Advice and Recommendations

The Pelagic AC provides credible, scientific, and consensus-based advice to inform pelagic fisheries policy, both upon the request of the European Commission and Member States, and on its own initiative. All advice and recommendations are developed and approved by the members of the Pelagic AC. 

Our advice — and responses to it — may be accessed below.

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Fishing opportunities for 2019

The Pelagic AC provides recommendations on TACs in 2019 for all stocks under its remit.

2018 1819PAC04 PELAC Consult fish opport 2019
EMFF funding for scientific research projects

The ACs are requesting that capital funding is provided under the EMFF specifically to ACs to carry out well defined costed projects of direct relevance to the ACs to adequately fulfil their advisory role under the CFP.

2019 Joint advice ACs on EMFF funding for scientific research projects Commission response
Support management plan Southern horse mackerel (fish. opp 2020)

PELAC asks Member States Spain and Portugal to support the application of the management strategy for the stock of Southern horse mackerel during the upcoming discussions of the December Council.

2019 Support for the management plan for Southern horse mackerel Consultation on fishing opportunities (Spain) Support for the management plan for Southern horse mackerel Consultation on fishing opportunities (Portugal) Response Member State Spain (ES) Response Member State Spain (EN) Response PELAC to Member State Spain Responce COM on letter to the Spanish administration regarding the southern horse mackerel management strategy
ICES advice for Southern horse mackerel

In light of the 2020 TAC setting, PELAC strongly urge the Commission to request ICES to base its advice for Southern horse mackerel, expected in October 2019, on the management plan that has been developed by the Pelagic AC.
The Commission will continue to ask ICES to use your Advisory Council’s management plan and to provide the ensuing TAC figure in the catch scenarios as have done previously.

2019 ICES TAC advice southern horse mackerel Commission response
Additional PELAC work on blue whiting evaluations

An external consultant has done a study to try and evaluate a two-tier assessment using a hindcasting approach. The objective of the study was to see what would have happened if a two-tier HCR was used rather than the current ICES MSY rule.

2019 PELAC work on additional blue whiting evaluations update PELAC work on additional blue whiting evaluations update 2 Commission response 1 Commission response 2
Revision of Control Regulation

The Commission has revised the Control Regulation in light of the Lisbon Treaty. This results in the introduction of a new division between delegated acts, which appear to have been prioritised in the current proposal, and implementing acts in the Regulation, which did not exist before. The Pelagic AC members are of the view that reporting, monitoring and control requirements shall be harmonized across the EU in order to ensure a level-playing field and guarantee a fair treatment for all fishers.

2019 Recommendation Control Regulation proposal Commission response
Request clarification on correct interpretation of catch composition rules

The Pelagic AC wishes for clarification on the use of the maximum percentages as the landing obligation requires all TAC and quota species to be landed. The question arises what specific purpose the catch composition rules serve in light of the landing obligation?

2019 Request clarification on correct interpretation of the catch composition rules Commission response
Request for setup ICES wg (investigation impacts of seismic activities spawning grounds)

Oil/gas exploration, wind farm construction and cabling are an important development in European offshore areas and the continuous growth of these sectors is to be expected. Pelagic AC is concerned over these potential impacts given the importance of spawning grounds for the health of the stocks under the Pelagic AC remit (notably, herring). The Pelagic AC is of firm belief that independent scientific research regarding the impacts are necessary and urgent.

2019 Request for setup ICES working group to investigate impacts of seismic activitities (herring) spawning grounds Response EC on request ICES working group on underwater noise Request to EC DG ENV To COM for setup ICES wg Underwater Noise
Request for evaluation monitoring TAC Celtic Sea herring

The Celtic Sea Herring is a category one ICES assessment supported by a long time series of catch at age and an acoustic survey that has been conducted since 2002. The fishery is exploited by two separate fleets with the majority of the catch taken by trawlers operating primarily in division 7.g. A sentinel fleet of smaller vessels is allocated 11% of the total TAC and operates in division 7.aS. An inter–benchmark assessment was carried out in 2018, which focussed on the use of the acoustic survey tuning index in the assessment and the revision of the stock reference points. In order to support future stock assessments, it would be beneficial to permit a level of catch that would maintain an uninterrupted time series of fishery-dependent catch data.

2019 Request monitoring TAC Celtic Sea herring Response EC Monitoring TAC Celtic Sea herring
Consistency in the wording of de minimis exemptions in discard plans

Pelagic AC raises an issue with regard to the de minimis exemptions for horse mackerel and mackerel in the North Western Waters discard plan for the period 2019-2021 and to highlight the perceived inconsistency in the details of the implementation fo the landing obligations between this plan and for certain demersal fisheries in the North Sea Plan for the period of 2019-2021.

2019 Consistency in the wording of de minimis exemptions in discard plans Commission response Commission response (annex) PELAC explanatory note TAC reductions de minimis calculations

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