Our Members

Current Members

The Pelagic AC currently has 36 General Assembly members, 28 of whom represent The Fishing Sector, while the remaining 8 represent Other Interest Groups (OIGs). 

General Assembly members:

Aquatic Life Institute (ALI Fish)Other Interest Group
Asociacion de Armadores de Cerco de Galicia (ACERGA)Sector Organisation
Association Nationale des Organisations de Producteurs (ANOP)Sector Organisation
Comité National des Pêches Maritimes et des Elevages Marins (CNPMEM)Sector Organisation
Compagnie des Peches Saint-MaloSector Organisation
Confederación Española de Pesca (Cepesca)Sector Organisation
Confederation Internationale de la Pêche Sportive (CIPS-M)Other Interest Group
Coopératives Maritimes Etaploises - Organisation de Producteurs (CME - OP)Sector Organisation
Danish Fishers Producers OrganisationSector Organisation
Danmarks Pelagiske ProducentorganisationSector Organisation
Deutscher Hochseefischerei-Verband / Seefrostvertrieb GmbHSector Organisation
European Bureau for Conservation and Development (EBCD)Other Interest Group
European Federation of National Organisations of Importers and Exporters of Fish (AIPCE-CEP)Sector Organisation
European Fishmeal and Fish Oil ProducersSector Organisation
European Transport Workers' Federation (ETF)Sector Organisation
Federación de Cofradias de Pescadores de Cadiz (FECOPESCA)Sector Organisation
Federación National de Cofradias de PescadoresSector Organisation
Federación Provincial de Cofradias de Pescadores de LugoSector Organisation
Fishermen's Association of Punta UmbríaSector Organisation
Fonds Régional d'organisation du marché du poisson (FROM Nord)Sector Organisation
Fundacion Rendemento Economico Minimo Social E Sustible (FREMSS)Sector Organisation
High Seas Fish Producers OrganisationSector Organisation
Irish Fish Producers OrganisationSector Organisation
Irish South & West Fish Producers Organisation Ltd.Sector Organisation
Killybegs Fisherman's Organisation Ltd.Sector Organisation
North Sea FoundationOther Interest Group
Organizacion De Productores De Pesca De Bajura De Bizkaia (OPESCAYA)Sector Organisation
Organizacion de Productores de Pesqueros de Burela (OPP-7 BURELA)Sector Organisation
Pew Charitable TrustsOther Interest Group
Redersvereniging voor de Zeevisserij (RVZ) (Dutch pelagic freezer-trawler association)Sector Organisation
Sciaena - Marine Sciences and Cooperation AssociationOther Interest Group
Stichting VissenbeschermingOther Interest Group
Swedish Pelagic FederationSector Organisation
Union des Armateurs à la Peche de France (UAPF)Sector Organisation


Executive Committee members:

Confederación Española de Pesca (Cepesca)Jose Beltran
Danmarks Pelagiske ProducentorganisationEsben Sverdrup-Jensen
Deutscher Hochseefischerei-Verband / Seefrostvertrieb GmbHClaus Ubl
European Bureau for Conservation and Development (EBCD)Alexandra Philippe
European Fishmeal and Fish Oil ProducersAnne Mette Baek
European Transport Workers' Federation (ETF)Juan Manuel Trujillo
Federation of National Organisations of Importers and Exporters of Fish (AIPCE-CEP)Mads Larsson
Killybegs Fisherman's Organisation Ltd.Dominic Rihan
North Sea FoundationMerel den Held
Pelagic Freezer Trawler AssociationTim Heddema
Sciaena - Marine Sciences and Cooperation AssociationGonçalo Carvalho
Swedish Pelagic FederationAnton Paulrud
Union des Armateurs à la Peche de France (UAPF)Jérôme Jourdain


Working Group I members:

Compagnie des Peches Saint-Malo
Coopératives Maritimes Etaploises - Organisation de Producteurs (CME - OP)
Danish Fishers Producers Organisation
Danmarks Pelagiske Producentorganisation
Deutscher Hochseefischerei-Verband / Seefrostvertrieb GmbH
European Bureau for Conservation and Development (EBCD)
European Federation of National Organisations of Importers and Exporters of Fish (AIPCE-CEP)
European Fishmeal and Fish Oil Producers
European Transport Workers Federation (ETF)
Federación de Cofradias de Pescadores de Cadiz (FECOPESCA)
Federacion National de Cofradias de Pescadores
Federación Provincial de Cofradias de Pescadores de Lugo
Fishermen's Association of Punta Umbría
Fonds Regional d'organisation du marche du poisson (FROM Nord)
Fundacion Rendemento Economico Minimo Social E Sustible (FREMSS)
High Seas Fish Producers Organisation
Irish Fish Producers Organisation
Irish South & West Fish Producers Organisation Ltd.
Killybegs Fisherman's Organisation Ltd.
North Sea Foundation
Organizacion de Productores de Pesqueros de Burela (OPP-7 BURELA)
Pew Charitable Trusts
Redersvereniging voor de Zeevisserij (RVZ) (Dutch pelagic freezer-trawler association)
Sciaena - Marine Sciences and Cooperation Association
Swedish Pelagic Federation
Union des Armateurs à la Peche de France (UAPF)


Working Group II members:

Asociacion de Armadores de Cerco de Galicia (ACERGA)
Danish Fishers Producers Organisation
Danmarks Pelagiske Producentorganisation
Deutscher Hochseefischerei-Verband / Seefrostvertrieb GmbH
European Federation of National Organisations of Importers and Exporters of Fish (AIPCE-CEP)
European Fishmeal and Fish Oil Producers
European Transport Workers Federation (ETF)
Federación de Cofradias de Pescadores de Cadiz (FECOPESCA)
Federación National de Cofradias de Pescadores
Federación Provincial de Cofradias de Pescadores de Lugo
Fishermen's Association of Punta Umbría
Fonds Regional d'organisation du marche du poisson (FROM Nord)
High Seas Fish Producers Organisation
Irish Fish Producers Organisation
Irish South & West Fish Producers Organisation Ltd.
Killybegs Fisherman's Organisation Ltd.
North Sea Foundation
Organizacion de Productores de Pesqueros de Burela (OPP-7 BURELA)
Pew Charitable Trusts
Redersvereniging voor de Zeevisserij (RVZ) (Dutch pelagic freezer-trawler association)
Sciaena - Marine Sciences and Cooperation Association
Swedish Fishermen's Federation
Union des Armateurs à la Peche de France (UAPF)

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