Advice and Recommendations

The Pelagic AC provides credible, scientific, and consensus-based advice to inform pelagic fisheries policy, both upon the request of the European Commission and Member States, and on its own initiative. All advice and recommendations are developed and approved by the members of the Pelagic AC. 

Our advice — and responses to it — may be accessed below.

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Fishing opportunities for herring stocks in 2012

The Pelagic RAC advises on fishing opportunities for different herring stocks in 2012 and on a long-term management plan for Celtic Sea herring as well as rebuilding plan for herring in VIa South.

2011 1112PRAC04 Fishing opportunities 2012 herring stocks 1112ref33 Reply EC on fishing opp for 2012
Fishing opportunities for widely distributed stocks in 2012

The Pelagic RAC advises on fishing opportunities for widely distributed stocks in 2012.

2011 1112PRAC17 Fishing opportunities 2012 wide stocks 1112ref33 Reply EC on fishing opp for 2012
Fishing opportunities for North Sea herring in 2012

The Pelagic RAC comments on possible adaptations of the long-term management plan for North Sea herring regarding different stabilizing mechanisms.

2011 1112PRAC20 Fishing opportunities 2012 NS herring 1112ref07 Rely EC on fishing opportunities 2012 North Sea herring
Control measures in pelagic fisheries

The Pelagic RAC responds to a pilot project regarding measures to eliminate slipping, discarding and high-grading in pelagic fisheries, taking into account the situation of the mackerel fishery in Icelandic and Faroese waters.

2011 1112PRAC21 Response to consultation on control measures 1112ref06 Consultation on control measures in pelagics
Consultation on MSC criteria

The Pelagic RAC responds to a public consultation by MSC regarding the assessment of the management of fisheries on straddling and highly migratory stocks, including RFMO-governed fisheries.

2011 1112PRAC22 Response to consultation on MSC criteria 20111101 Consultation_Document_MSC
Long-term management plan for herring in VIa North

The Fisheries Committee of the European Parliament seeked the Pelagic RAC’s advice with regards to amending Council regulation No 1300/2008 establishing a long-term management plan for the West of Scotland herring stock and the fisheries exploiting that stock.

2012 1112PRAC33 herring VIaNorth
Reflection on 2011 recommendations

In this document the Pelagic RAC reflects on its functioning in terms of recommendations provided for all relevant stocks in 2011 as well as the performance review announced for NEAFC.

2012 1112PRAC39 Evaluation PRAC advice 2011 and recommendations on all stocks 1112ref39 Reply EC about all stocks in remit of PRAC
New HCR for blue whiting

The Pelagic RAC proposes a new harvest control rule (HCR) for blue whiting.

2012 1112PRAC114 PRAC recommendation EC blue whiting 1112ref40 Reply EC on harvest controle rule blue whiting
Fishing opportunities 2013 herring stocks

In this recommendation the Pelagic RAC advises on fishing opportunities for several European herring stocks in 2013 as well as issues related to long-term management and rebuilding plans.

2012 1112PRAC126 Fishing opportunities 2013 herring stocks 1213ref05 Response EC on fishing opportunities hmackerel herring 2013 and boarfish
Long-term management plan for boarfish

In this document the Pelagic RAC proposes a long-term management plan for boarfish.

2012 1112PRAC127 Boarfish management plan 1213ref05 Response EC on fishing opportunities hmackerel herring 2013 and boarfish

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