Advice and Recommendations

The Pelagic AC provides credible, scientific, and consensus-based advice to inform pelagic fisheries policy, both upon the request of the European Commission and Member States, and on its own initiative. All advice and recommendations are developed and approved by the members of the Pelagic AC. 

Our advice — and responses to it — may be accessed below.

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Fishing opportunities for herring stocks in 2011

The Pelagic RAC presents its advice regarding fishing opportunities for herring stocks in 2011.

2010 1011PRAC21 Fishing opportunities 2011 herring stocks 1011ref05 Reply EC on herring TACs 2011
Fishing opportunities for widely distributed stocks in 2011

In this document the Pelagic RAC presents its advice regarding fishing opportunities for widely distributed stocks in 2011.

2010 1011PRAC32 Fishing opportunities 2011 Widely distributed stocks 1011ref06 Reply EC on widely distr stocks
Further evaluation of North Sea herring LTMP

The Pelagic RAC advises the Commission to further evaluate the performance of the North Sea herring long-term management plan in an iterative process.

2011 1011PRAC95 Request to ICES and STECF 1011ref11 Reply EC on NS herring LTM plan request
Consultation on trade sanctions

The Pelagic RAC responds to a consultation launched by the European Commission regarding possible trade sanctions against non-cooperating countries in terms of conservation of fish resources.

2011 1011PRAC96 Response to consultation on trade sanctions 1011ref12 Reply EC on trade measures (annex) 1011ref12 Reply EC on trade measures
Inclusion of boarfish into the PRAC remit

The Pelagic RAC proposes to include boarfish in its remit.

2011 1011PRAC105 Request to include boarfish in the PRAC remit 1011ref10 Reply EC on boarfish
Stabilizing mechanisms for North Sea herring LTMP

The Pelagic RAC proposes several stabilizing mechanisms to be considered for inclusion in the long-term management plan for North Sea herring.

2011 1011PRAC107 Request to ICES on NS herring LTM plan 1112ref04 Reply EC on NS herring management options
Policy statement on fishing opportunities

Exchange of views between the Pelagic RAC and the European Commission regarding the format of the consultation process on fishing opportunities.

2011 1011PRAC111 Policy Statement on fishing opportunities 2012 1112ref05 Reply EC on policy document on fishing opportunities 2012 20110525 Consultation on fishing opportunities 2012
Fishing opportunities for herring stocks in 2012

The Pelagic RAC advises on fishing opportunities for different herring stocks in 2012 and on a long-term management plan for Celtic Sea herring as well as rebuilding plan for herring in VIa South.

2011 1112PRAC04 Fishing opportunities 2012 herring stocks 1112ref33 Reply EC on fishing opp for 2012
Fishing opportunities for widely distributed stocks in 2012

The Pelagic RAC advises on fishing opportunities for widely distributed stocks in 2012.

2011 1112PRAC17 Fishing opportunities 2012 wide stocks 1112ref33 Reply EC on fishing opp for 2012
Fishing opportunities for North Sea herring in 2012

The Pelagic RAC comments on possible adaptations of the long-term management plan for North Sea herring regarding different stabilizing mechanisms.

2011 1112PRAC20 Fishing opportunities 2012 NS herring 1112ref07 Rely EC on fishing opportunities 2012 North Sea herring

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